Common Good Award


Welcome to Common Good Award
Awardee of best outstanding female in the Buea coomunity
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We Celebrate Positive Impacts
Awardee for Best outstanding individual in the community of Tiko
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Join and Be Part of Our Amazing Team
Awardee of Most dedicated individual
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Welcome to Common Good Award

Most individuals even in their personal challenging circumstances assist others considered more in need than themselves privately or informally. This is the norm in most developing countries.

However, for the common good of the general society, there is the need for structured formal/public giving or philanthropy as in the developed countries.

It is against this background that LINK-UP is promoting the Awards for the Common Good, to encourage public structured giving and also to throw a spotlight on those who promote the Common Good, beyond the circles of their families and friends.

It is designed to celebrate individuals and organizations that are making a positive impact on society.

Our mission is to recognize those who are committed to advancing the common good through their work, and to inspire others to join in this important effort.

Each year, we honor individuals and organizations from a variety of fields, including healthcare, education, social justice, environmental sustainability, and more. Our awardees are selected based on their innovative and effective approaches to addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing our communities and our world.

Through the Common Good Award, we aim to raise awareness of these important issues and to encourage greater collaboration and engagement among individuals and organizations working towards a common goal.

We invite you to explore our website and learn more about our past awardees, as well as the work we are doing to support and promote the common good. Whether you are an individual looking to get involved in your community, or an organization seeking to make a difference on a larger scale, we believe that together we can create a brighter future for all.

Thank you for joining us in this important work, and we look forward to celebrating and honoring the next generation of Common Good Award recipients.